Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Putting the head where the patterns are...

So I needed to design an enhancement to the project I work on
I gleefully rubbed my hands and smirked- Now is the time when I put in all the patterns I learnt in the last 10 days or so- going through the Head First book

I decided to use Abstract Factory Pattern- keeping in mind the OOP principles I learnt
This pattern was a good fit.

Had I not read this book- I would have implemented this is a very different way
Its almost difficult to imagine how would I have done it....

But - it was not a easy exercise
Patterns are like guides
They show you the way- but then they offer you multiple paths
You get to choose what path to pick and how well you use it.

All said and done- I am pretty pleased with myself how it unfolded

Sunday, June 22, 2008

InfoQ and eBay

yesterday I saw Randy Shoup's interview on InfoQ (

Very intresting...
And I couldn't help compare our architeture with their's

And I started wondering could we incorporate some of their principals into our design?
We already have some- we too acknowledge the power of asynchronous processing
Though I feel we have not gone as far as we should\could have...

Our objects are too tightly coupled.

Another thing I liked what Randy said was about shorter transactions

I think there is great wisdom in that principle- it gives you lots of flexibility on how you can handle situations, faster performance,quicker response to all objects,fewer wait time all over

InfoQ seems to be a nice hangout- I intend to visit that place more often

Design Patterns: Proxy

So today I learnt the Proxy pattern
Proxy pattern is like a personal assistant of a Hollywood star.

Provides access.
Serves as a body guard
Acts likes a star- you think you are talking to the star while you are of course not

Just couple of more chapters to go before I can put this book down (Head First- Design Patterns)

I already have an idea- which book I want to read next...

Saturday, June 21, 2008


I wish I had read this book- Head First Design Patterns before
In fact I now wonder how many books I should have already read before

I think I would have done a much better job at my current project if I had read about these patterns and whatever else I have missed...

Anyway...I will see what I can fix now
I plan to redesign few objects- hopefully that will help.

Design patterns:Iterator and Composite

Today learnt about the Iterator and Composite design patterns
Though I admit composite didn't register as much a Iterator did

Tomorrow I will read about the Proxy pattern

It seems its at least another week before I finish this book- Head First: Design Patterns .

New boss

So I have a new Boss
Well- he seems nice- (but don't they all seem nice in the beginning?)

well he is definitely much better than the character I had before

Anyways lets see- how this unfolds...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Design Patterns:Template

So today I learnt the Template Design Pattern

Pretty neat pattern- or maybe its the guys at Head First who know how to get it into your head

So you have a bunch of algorithm to implement
Form a template method which outlines the generic algorithm
Put the common code in concrete methods in the abstract class- all variable code becomes abstract method- which are then overriden by the subclasses

and there you have a Template Design Pattern !!!

Learn something new everyday

When I started preparing for my future interviews - I realized how distant I had become from the idea of updating myself

So here is my pledge...

Learn something new everyday
And to serve as a reminder to myself - I will post here what I learnt everyday...


So I decided to change ny job.

And now comes the hard part- preparing for the change

Its almost six years since I have been working here-and I am more than due for a change

Resume is almost done...

Started taking a peek at job sites...

Started reading...

This should be fun !!!